Curated information is derived from a combination of Forteck crew members with first-hand experience and verified online sources or government sites. We work very hard to provide quality educational information relevant to the forestry industry to promote forestry and the great things foresters can do. Please let us know if you find any misinformation and we will correct it immediately. It takes a village to educate! Thank you for reading and working together in further teaching people about forestry. #forestryproud
Pre-Cutblock Layout
Author: Forteck Team
March 2nd, 2021
This blog refers to the work that Forteck would complete as part of a standard layout contract with our clients.
March is Cutblock Layout Month
With Layout season just around the corner, we wanted to dedicate this entire month to Cutblock Layout. We want to use this opportunity to feature one of our main services from the perspective of Forteck Employees. This month, we will breakdown the elements of Cutblock Layout from Pre-Layout to Post-Layout. Forestry is a sustainable practice and we hope to further showcase that through our weekly emails.
Introduction to Layout
Layout is the process of verifying the areas to be harvested by the forest company. As part of the process, watercourses, wildlife species and features, target tree species and many other factors are considered when out in the field. Many additional requirements are built into a forest company’s plan as they are having their spatial sequencing layer created. These factors are part of their Detailed Forest Management Plan, a revolving plan updated every 10 years, which looks at harvest and reforestation projections over the next 200 year period to ensure sustainability is maintained in the forest.
Data and Documents
The spatial harvest sequence and relevant shapefiles come as a data source from the client. We take these information layers and put them into ArcCollector to generate a map that can be utilized in the field. With this map, we then determine how many meters of boundary, roading and retention will need to be laid out. This helps us plan for how much manpower is needed to get the project completed within the time requirements set out by the client. With manpower determined, we are able to schedule a pre-work, which is a document required to ensure safe operations and identify any areas of concern to ensure timely completion of the project.
Crews are obligated to follow the Operating Ground Rules (OGRs) of each forest company and must be familiar with them prior to beginning each project. Each company has variations of approved practices based on their spheres of influence in the province.