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Post Layout

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

Author: Forteck Team | March 16th, 2021

This blog refers to the work that Forteck would complete as part of a standard layout contract with our clients.


Curated information is derived from a combination of Forteck crew members with first-hand experience and verified online sources or government sites. We work very hard to provide quality educational information relevant to the forestry industry to promote forestry and the great things foresters can do. Please let us know if you find any misinformation and we will correct it immediately. It takes a village to educate! Thank you for reading and working together in further teaching people about forestry. #forestryproud

Following layout, Forteck works to ensure a high quality of product is achieved for each and every client. There are minimum targets for field quality assessments of each project, regardless of the experience of the team members. Data reviews occur regularly throughout the project, one of the key reasons for Forteck’s use of ArcCollector as their data collection interface. Data is further reviewed for accuracy following completion of the project, ensuring that any photos or point information gathered is consistent with the specifications of the client. Data collection under a forest canopy often creates spikes in the GPS data capturing process. These are then cleaned while maintaining the integrity of the original data. Being able to review the data on a consistent basis throughout the project helps to ensure timely submissions following field completion. Through this data, we create breakdowns of the completed work to identify the linear meters laid out.

When completing the submission to the client, the corrected GPS data, completed block cards, finalized maps and any related photos and point-specific information are sent to the client. These maps help pinpoint the collected data on georeferenced maps such as orthomosaic overlays, allowing for images like those seen on GoogleEarth to show with the associated captured data. With each project, Forteck's mission is to provide quality services to the forestry and environmental sectors of western Canada.

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