Our Founder & CEO, Branden Soroka, has been burning brush piles for as long as he can remember, his estimate is about 51,000 total piles personally burnt throughout his career so far! Branden has managed the burning contracts of over 300,000 piles since 2015.
Last week we hosted our first-ever Forteck Facebook Live Stream discussing Pile Burning and we think it was a great success! We opened the floor for questions and discussions with our followers and we were so happy to see people tuned in. Our HR Manager, Grant Gaumont, and Equipment Manager, Trevor Lorencz, also shared some insights during our live stream covering topics including:
ATV V.S. Snowmobile for access
The different methods of burning piles
Safety Risks and Protocols
Hiring and Recruitment
Equipment needed and types of maintenance
Check out the video if you're interested in learning more about Pile Burning and make sure to follow our social media accounts to stay tuned for the next upcoming live stream!