Curated information is derived from a combination of Forteck crew members with first-hand experience and verified online sources or government sites. We work very hard to provide quality educational information relevant to the forestry industry to promote forestry and the great things foresters can do. Please let us know if you find any misinformation and we will correct it immediately. It takes a village to educate! Thank you for reading and working together in further teaching people about forestry. #forestryproud

Meet Trevor!
Meet our Forteck Equipment Manager, Trevor! Trevor is our Fleet Manager, Mechanic, delivery person, basically a jack of all trades outside the Forestry Profession. Trevor possesses a significant amount of life experience, having driven quads and sleds for 40+ years, making repairs in the shop and out on jobs. At times, Trevor has been in predicaments and had to figure out how to repair or retrieve units being used in the bush, making him the perfect person for our Equipment Manager role!
Trevor has been working with us since May 2020, bringing a vast variety of experience including oilfield work as a gas plant operator. There, he learned to use what was accessible to solve problems that arose. Trevor also owned an oilfield truck and learned how to safely load and tie-down unusual loads for highway driving. In addition, while growing up, Trevor was lucky enough to have ATV's and sleds in the family and he quickly learned the hard way what you could and what you shouldn't do.
On Trevor's days off, he enjoys the outdoors and owns a river lot where his family likes to use boats, ATV's, sleds, and seadoos to enjoy the area. Trevor also tinkers on different things and tries to buy and sell to make some profits to fund the next deal. When we asked Trevor his favorite part about working with Forteck, he said,
"I enjoy the atmosphere that is Forteck. I get to work out my own yard and garage. Travel Western Canada, to some extent, to deliver, fix and retrieve the sleds, quads, trailers, or trucks. Also have helped a little bit on some projects with logistics."